DevFest AI
Contribute code to AI repositories, meet new people, Participate in events and win awesome SWAG.
Welcome to DevFest AI
DevFest AI is here for you to: Learn new technologies, facilitate connections with new community members, and win awesome Swag from our sponsors. Get your GitHub ready!
[ Welcome to DevFest AI ]
Join our Exciting Events Over the month!
[ Ticket ]
Share your Ticket and win Awesome Swag
Showcase your unique ticket on X to all your friends!
By the end of the competition we will do a big giveaway for all the shares.
Make sure you tag us on social media so we can find your ticket.


[ Swag ]
Grab your exclusive swag and join the fun
Participate in exciting challenges and receive unique goodies from our sponsors.
What's in it for me?
When is the event happening?
How does it work?
How many members can join a squad?
How do we calculate the score?
What are the rules?
How many people will get swag?
Can I register for both Hacktoberfest and DevFest AI?
How long will it take to receive the swag?
Do I need to pay duty for the SWAG?
What is the no-code competition?
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